Since 2011:

Our fields of activity Data Capture, Data Management and Analysis Models

Our fields of activity
Data Capture, Data Management and Analysis Models

Our services in systematic data capture and management based on database applications have proven successful and frequently bring us new projects. We increase our knowledge, enhance our methodologies and expand our fields of activities continuously.

We systematize the data capture service, with software based tools and our know-how, in  order to transform complex and far apart data from several sources into the needed format. Our data management puts even sensible and difficult work procedures (like the organisation and execution of maintenance with a work cleareance management) to work and transforms them into appealing and easy to use database applications.

Since mid 2011 we added the optimization of maintenance strategies with the RCM-Methodology (Reliability Centered Maintenance, preventive maintenance) to our field of activity. The reason for this was an international project in collaboration with the Norwegian company MainTechAS, which has years of experience in this field. Together we optimized a gas fired power plant with RCM. Since then we’ve optimized, together with MainTech, another 11 power plants with this methodology and gathered additional qualifications in project management.

Today we provide a complete and closely linked package of services from the data capture, its management up to the development of complex analysis models. This package guarantees an optimal handling of technical data and makes it usable for optimizations. We create an effective data capture, develop database applications closely linked to business processes and optimize the plant production, single processes, costs, maintenance, supply and disposal. Our services are an important tool for continuous improvement.

“The fun we have with our work never got lost. We love what we do and are convinced, that this is an important factor of our success”

2010 – 2011: Foundation and build-up of the company ING-ON

Up to 2010 Martin Georgi had already worked in several projects in an engineering company lead by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Scholz, at this time working at the University of Applied Sciences in Emden. Within those projects he collected experience in the industrial development of software. In 2010 Martin Georgi and Christian Sellere prepared the foundation of ING-ON.

With our analysis models we applied to the EXIST-Entrepreneur Scholarhip, supported by the BMWi (Federal Ministry of Technology and Economy). In the end of 2010 we got the scholarship and started working on the business plan. In the beginning of 2011 we founded ING-ON and started our first projects, mainly in the field of master data capture and developement of database applications

2009: Prognosis of Bio-diesel properties based on the raw material composition

f.l.t.r.: Prof. Dott. Ing. H.C. Manfred Fuchs, Management OHB-Technology AG, Bremen; Jens Böhrnsen, Mayor of the city Bremen; Awardee Helge Hermstüwer; Awardee Christian Nolte, Univerity of Applied Sciences Bremen; Awardee B. Eng. Martin Georgi, Univerity of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer; Dr.-Ing. Eberhard Karbe, Management Bremer Bezirksvereins of VDI; Prof. Dr. Uwe Apel, Member of the Kuratorium of the Bremer VDI-Bezirksvereins

f.l.t.r.: Prof. Dott. Ing. H.C. Manfred Fuchs, Management OHB-Technology AG, Bremen; Jens Böhrnsen, Mayor of the city Bremen; Awardee Helge Hermstüwer; Awardee Christian Nolte, Univerity of Applied Sciences Bremen; Awardee B. Eng. Martin Georgi, Univerity of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer; Dr.-Ing. Eberhard Karbe, Management Bremer Bezirksvereins of VDI; Prof. Dr. Uwe Apel, Member of the Kuratorium of the Bremer VDI-Bezirksvereins

The concept of analysis models now needed to be successful for other plant types and problems. This is why Martin Georgi, at this time university graduate, dedicated his Bachelor-Thesis to develop a prognosis tool for the quality property “CFPP” (Cold Filter Plugging Point) of bio-diesel, which is very important for its marketability. He succeeded in the development of such a prognosis tool and even made new discoveries.

“With targeted scientific experiments he not only showed the optimization potential and described the weaknesses of existing models, but also described a clear and so far in the literature unwritten way on how to enhance the prognosis.”

In 2010 the Thesis has been honored  by the VDI with the Bremer Ingenieurpreis (Engineering Prize) as a “extraordinary thesis, that is not only very innovative but also application-oriented and related to practice”


2008: The first prototypes of analysis models for the prognosis of costs and needs

Successive build-up of a analysis model to predict costs and needs

Successive build-up of a analysis model to predict costs and needs

 As result of a project for the investigation of the influences of different raw materials on the production of a biomass power plant (20MW el.) we found out, how difficult it is to get clear answers. Countless parameters of influence, huge amounts of data and complicated processes that are linked to each other in many ways.

To get a usable result we developed together with the University of Applied Sciences Emden a prognosis tool, which was able to transform the complex situation into a calculable model that can be used for optimization of the plant. As a result we developed our very first prototype of an analysis model in Microsoft Excel. There were no extensive or highly detailed physics simulations but good enough approximations of the real processes. This was one of the keys to develop an analysis model effectively and  with relatively low efforts, that can calculated processes close enough to the real data.

The model was working so well, that ING-ON founder, Martin Georgi, continued the further development and generalization of the analysis model concept on his own initiative and in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences Emden.

From our Projects:

Supply & Disposal Management
Datenmanagement: Ver- und Entsorgung Data management for two biomass power plants with centralised purchasing department
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  • ING-ON Office
    Lange Str. 30
    44532 Lünen – Germany
    Phone +49 2306 912 90 14
    Mobile +49 176 23 45 56 71

    Feel free to contact us for more information. We are looking forward to your mail or call.